Live Life Like You’re in a Bar

We’re growing. It’s good. We’re getting more and more followers on social media and readers from parts unknown. It’s entirely organic and the point of this thing. Reaching strangers is the goal. But there are some unspoken rules. 

The reason for this piece is tied to our growth. I’ve surrounded myself with people that don’t intentionally inflame. In face to face life and in online life, I avoid intentionally harmful people and sentiments. It’s really simple. I live my life like I’m working in a bar. 

If you’re in a bar, you can’t yell out hateful stuff and expect to not be kicked out. Not complicated. 

Since this magazine and social media channels are sort of like my bar, I’m doing what I did when I worked in a bar. I’m kicking you out. That’s it. No re-entry. I’m not going to post your name or photo. I don’t want to encourage mimicry. 

I’m not going to post a set of rules. Behaviour and language is situational. Context is key and a set of written rules isn’t that helpful. So just be cool. If you’re not sure if you’re being cool, you’re probably not. 

And we’re not going to debate. If you’ve gone too far, that’s it. I have to focus on who’s here and I have to make this environment welcoming for anyone new. You’re more than welcome to keep reading and attend our events and be cool, but as soon as you’re not cool, you’re out. 

This magazine is not a private club. This is not a public forum. As the owner/bartender, if I don’t like your behavior, you’re cut off. If you are at all offended, OK. That’s disappointing but we don’t have to agree. 

Kicking people out is a sign of progress. We’re reaching more people everyday. Not everyone that enters a bar is cool. Not everyone gets to stay. That’s OK. They can go to another bar. 

Living life like I’m always in a bar has worked well and it’s something I’ve advocated for years. It’s quite simple and I’m genuinely surprised when it feels uncommon. I realize the Internet is not a brick and mortar establishment that serves locals and tourists alike. But that doesn’t mean I can’t operate a very tiny corner like it is.

Listen to Brandon Wetherbee advocating Facebook, Instagram and Twitter should be treated like a bar on the May 28, 2020 edition of Political Theater with Jason Dick

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