Recommend If You Like is an arts and culture magazine based in Washington, D.C.
Every Monday and Thursday we recommend what to do in D.C.
We also produce events in D.C. They’ve been recommended by The Washington Post, DCist, Washingtonian, Washington City Paper, and more.
We reach an engaged audience of young parents throughout the DMV. Through our online magazine, mailing list, social media channels and events, we reach thousands of locals on a daily basis.
Advertising Options
$1,000 for a month for banner inclusion in every original piece of content (28 pieces per month)
$500 dedicated email blast
$300 top line of one week of RIYL mailing list mailings (emails go out Monday and Thursday)
$200 sponsored post
$100 Instagram or Tweet embed in one week of RIYL mailing list mailings
Email for advertising examples. Thanks for reading.