Older Than the ADA: 31 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990.
It guarantees people with disabilities equal opportunity in employment, transportation, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunications. 1990 doesn’t feel that far away for many of us, yet much has changed in that time to improve the lives of disabled people in America, who account for roughly 1 in 4 people.
Before the ADA, employers and movie theaters and sidewalk curbs and city buses and restaurants and a million other places people wanted to be were under no obligation to make themselves accessible to all people. This doesn’t mean the ADA is perfect- lots and lots of public places were grandfathered in and continue to be physically inaccessible, among other exceptions. Accessible housing can still be extremely difficult to come by, politicians are often threatening to or actually cutting Medicaid and impeding access to vital services and care, and bills have been introduced to Congress as recently as 2017 to undermine the ADA’s protections. And there’s no legislation that can change someone’s attitude.
When introduced by Senator Tom Harkin in 1989, the ADA had four goals for the disability community: equal opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency. And like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 it was modeled after, it was hard fought.
On March 12, 1990, fed up with legislators stalling the bill in the House and after a day of rallies and speeches, activists from ADAPT (Americans Disabled for Accessible Public Transit) left their wheelchairs and walkers and crawled up the 83 stone steps of the US Capitol Building to urge action and visualize the literal barriers the ADA could help remove from their lives.
The event became known as the Capital Crawl– and it wasn’t that long ago. Anyone or anything who is over 31 years old this week is in fact, older than the ADA, a piece of legislation that affected real change for the lives of millions of Americans.
And what better way to honor this anniversary (besides, you know, actual activism), and remind ourselves that the past is not so far, than a list of 31 people and things Older than the ADA (not including your author, though she does qualify):
1. The Isabella Stewart Gardner museum heist
The single largest property theft in the world occurred when 13 works were stolen on March 18, 1990. It remains unsolved.

2. Taylor Swift
Born in West Reading, PA on December 13, 1989. She named a whole album after the year she was born, so this should be easy to remember.
3. Hershey Kiss Bell Commercial
It began airing in December 1989 and is the longest-running television commercial for the brand.
4. Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation 1814
The fourth studio album, including hits like “Escapade” and “Love Will Never Do (Without You)” was released on September 19, 1989.
5. Phillipa Soo
The Hamilton star and excellent crier of a single tear was born in Libertyville, Illinois on May 31, 1990.
6. Kiki’s Delivery Service
The Hiyao Miyazaki classic was released in Japan July 29, 1989.

7. Polly Pocket
First designed by Chris Wiggs in 1983 for his daughter Kate using a makeup powder compact and released by Bluebird Toys in 1989.
8. Brie Larson
Born Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers on October 1, 1989 in Sacramento, CA. Higher, further, faster baby.
9. Barack and Michelle Obama’s relationship
After a trip to the Art Institute, the couple saw Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing in the Summer of 1989.

10. Do The Right Thing
Spike Lee’s third feature was released in the US July 21, 1989.
11. The Simpsons
It premiered December 17, 1989 with the episode “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire.”
12. Daniel Radcliffe
The boy who would be Harry was born July 23, 1989 in London, England.
13. The World Wide Web
Invented by British scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

14. Heathers
Winona Forever! The film was released in the US on March 31, 1989.
15. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)
Democratic representative for NY’s 14th district, she was born October 13, 1989 in the Bronx, NY.
16. Nintendo Gameboy
Introduced in Japan April 21, 1989, and three months later in North America.

17. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Began flowing March 24, 1989 in Prince William Sound, Alaska. It spilled 10.8 million gallons of oil and is still considered the worst oil spill in terms of damage to the environment.
18. The Little Mermaid
The Disney classic was released in the US on November 13, 1989.

19. Nirvana’s Bleach
Nirvana’s first album was on released June 15, 1989.
20. Kristin Stewart
She was born on April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles, CA.
21. The Weeknd
The singer, songwriter and producer was born Abel Makkonen Tesfaye on February 16, 1990 in Toronto, Canada.

22. Elizabeth Olsen
Our favorite mind-controlling witch was born February 16, 1989 in Sherman Oaks, CA.
23. Alia Shawkat
The Search Party and Arrested Development actor was born in Riverside, CA April 18, 1989.
24. Tim Burton’s Batman
The Michael Keaten vehicle was released June 23, 1989.
25. Kelly Marie Tran
The Star Wars star was born January 17, 1989 in San Diego, CA.
26. Honey Bunches of Oats
The just-sweet-enough cereal debuted in 1989.

27. Seinfeld
The pilot aired on July 5, 1989.
28. Jessica Williams
The 2 Dope Queens co-host and Daily Show correspondent was born July 31, 1989 in Los Angeles County, CA.
29. Dev Patel
The BAFTA-award winning actor was born April 23, 1990 in Harrow, UK.
30. Saved By The Bell
The sitcom premiered on August 20, 1989.
31. Hubble Space Telescope
Launched April 20, 1990, it’s still taking pics and making discoveries.

Art by Kate Flaherty
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