Happy Good Friday!
Turns out you can’t just copyright the idea of “escape rooms” or even the name so like any good rush-to-market film genre there’s tons of movies and copycats about escape rooms without all the pesky unique titles.
One thing to remember on one of baseball’s best days
Baseball takes a long time, and figuring out your sexual preferences takes a long time, too.
I might be doing the bare minimum to keep my Tigers fan card, but it’s too late to do anything differently, and fewer totally trivial things are more comforting.
It’s time we take a look at the rich little weirdos that make up the MLB ownership class
“The job of arguing with the umpire belongs to the manager, because it won’t hurt the team if he gets thrown out of the game.” -Earl Weaver
A blaring fever dream that bridged the gap between reality and mimosa-and-mescaline-fueled weekends along the Miami Beach Boardwalk
“I know that I’m not long for this world. Too many empty bottles, thousands of them. And a few broken hearts, sweetheart.”