The Sesame Street Character that Best Represents Every MLB Team
The two television shows I watched the most since having kids are Sesame Street and Major League Baseball. With over 50 seasons of Sesame Street and 162 regular season games for each MLB team, both programs occupied the family television screen on a daily basis from April to October. Watch enough Muppets and baseball and you’ll start seeing some similarities. Here are the Sesame Street characters that beat represent every Major League Baseball team.
AL East
Baltimore Orioles are Mister Noodle
So much fun, often not present.
Boston Red Sox are Slimey
The best pal of Oscar, loved by most everyone and often a winner in contests on Sesame Street.
New York Yankees are Kermit
Always important, even when they’re barely on screen. The past looms large for both the Muppet and ballclub. The anchor of season 1 of Sesame Street and only seen twice since season 40, does the most beloved children’s television show last this long without Kermit’s legend? Does baseball become America’s Pastime without Babe Ruth’s legend?
Tampa Bay Rays are Chris
Incredibly important to the show and The Show, but not a lot of fans.
Toronto Blue Jays are Guy Smiley
Did you forget about the Muppet broadcaster that had a much bigger role in the show in the early 90s?
AL Central
Chicago White Sox are Alan
Incredibly important in the show but never the main character.
Cleveland Guardians are Baby Bear
A Bear that’s more cute than scary, this is a new feel for the club.
Detroit Tigers are Telly Monster
Worrisome and scared, occasionally leads an episode but more often than not relegated to the background.
Kansas City Royals are Grover
Super Grover won the 2015 World Series, also blue, also crashes into lots of stuff.
Minnesota Twins are Two-Headed Monster
Because they’re twins.
AL West
Houston Astros are Rudy
A cheater. The show within a show is called “Abby’s Amazing Adventures”, not “Abby and Rudy’s Amazing Adventures”.
Los Angeles Angles are Mr. Noodle
So much fun, often not present.
Athletics are Bert
Peaked in popularity in the late 80s and early 90s and unfairly treated by owners in spite of a loving fan base.
Seattle Mariners are Schnoodle
A very likable character and club that rarely steals the show.
Texas Rangers are Prairie Dawn
NL East
Atlanta Braves are Yip Yips
If you hate the martians, you super annoying. If you like the Martians, you’re pleased by their consistency. They’re in every episode of Sesame Street, kinda like the Braves on TBS.
Miami Marlins are Abby Cadabby
How do they already have two World Series championships? They’re so new! Abby is so annoying.
New York Mets are Oscar the Grouch
Hates everything, hasn’t won the big one in a long time, surrounded by much happier clubs. But oddly lovable?
Philadelphia Phillies are Count von Count
The most tenuous connection, the Phillies have the best mascot in MLB and I’d like to see the Phanatic hang out with The Count.
Washington Nationals are Gonger
Newer club and character, both great helpers (Nats in delivering their future their WS winning squad to the Dodgers, Padres and Phillies, Gonger in the kitchen with Cookie), thoughtful, no one hates either, no big history
NL Central
Chicago Cubs are Cookie Monster
Both blue, both Cookie and the Cubs fan base enjoys overconsumption and Cookie killed it when he sang “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”.
Cincinnati Reds are Mr. Hooper
Similar to the 70s Reds, Hooper’s is named after the late, great shopkeeper, not exactly relevant in today’s game/show.
Milwaukee Brewers are Herry Monster
Looks like Cookie Monster, but not nearly as beloved.
Pittsburge Pirates are Snuffaluffagus
Beloved in the 70s, nearly forgotten.
St. Louis Cardinals are Big Bird
The second most important franchise in the MLB behind the Yankees, always in contention, always relevant.
NL West
Arizona Diamondbacks are Ms. Noodle
Did you know there’s a Ms. Noodle? Did you forget about Ms. Noodle?
Colorado Rockies are Zoe
Zoe sure is a character on Sesame Street. The Rockies sure is a Major League Baseball team.
Los Angeles Dodgers are Elmo
The team with the most money, marquee players, attention, etc. You say you hate Elmo/Dodgers, but how can you love Sesame Streer/MLB is you hate the best of the best?
San Diego Padres are Rosita
One of the youngest characters is of Latin American origin. One of the games youngest and biggest superstars, Fernando Tatís Jr., is of Latin American origin.
San Francisco Giants are Ernie
The more beloved partner of Bert, the Giants have had a way better last two decades than their AL counterparts across the Bay.
Feature image from Sesame Street’s Facebook page
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