Toddler Road Trip Tips

According to AAA, 90% of people plan to travel by car this Thanksgiving. That seems incredibly high, but not impossible. After a missed Thanksgiving for most Americans in 2020, people really want to get together in 2021. Which means toddlers across the continental United States will be strapped in their car seat, thrashing, screaming and generally freaking out for hours at a time.

The following are toddler specific road trip tips. I’m not including the basics like make sure you leave with a full tank, get the car checked out before any long drive, pack all the diapers and food staples like milk, etc. Those should be obvious. The following tips come from driving to Chicago from D.C. and back multiple times during a global pandemic.

The shortest route is not always the shortest route

You’re probably able to sit for a 6, 8, 10, 12 hour drive. You’re an adult. Toddlers can not. You’re going to need to stop every 90 minutes to 2 hours. Which means the quickest route according to Google Maps may not be your quickest route. If you’re routed on a turnpike and need to get off the turnpike to change a diaper, maybe the turnpike wasn’t the best idea.

Map out a playground stop every 50 miles or so. It’s easier than you think and comes in handy when you’re in a part of Pennsylvania you’ve never visited. It’s really useful for playground access and even more useful if you’re still concerned about your kid playing indoors with complete strangers during a global pandemic. You’re much more likely to find a vacant park off the highway than an empty McDonald’s PlayPlace off the turnpike.

Pack a portable sound machine

The sound machine is one of the biggest advantages of being a parent in the 21st century. Consider investing in a portable version. It’s great for the car and hotel rooms.

Charge the iPad

Do not forget to charge your iPad. Do not feel guilt by allowing as much screen time as you’re going to allow.

Bring backup chargers

Do not let the iPad die.

Download what you plan to stream

Unlimited data? Cool, good for you. You know what doesn’t care about unlimited data? The mountains. Good luck having a decent signal for your entire drive. Also, only download quiet shows. Pete the Cat is a nice, quiet show. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is a nice, quiet show. The quieter, the better, especially in a moving vehicle. If your kid is only able to access nice, quiet, already downloaded shows, there’s less chance you’ll be forced into an hours long “Baby Shark” loop.

Stickers are better than crayons

We have a few crayons and a small notepad in a sandwich bag so the kid can draw whenever we stop at a place to eat. That’s great for when you’re at someone else’s table. It’s not good for your car. Stickers, while possibly annoying, are much, much easier to get off surfaces than crayons. Also, stickers are way cheaper than you thought when you were a kid. The child version of me clearly had no idea how much stickers cost in stores. I put way too much value on paper with a sticky backside.

Agree on the fast food before you leave

You may pack healthy snacks and plan on salads while on the road. That’s a really nice plan. It rarely happens. If you leave with a fast food consensus, you’ll save time. If you’re a Wendy’s family, just embrace being a Wendy’s family. There should be no guilt when it comes to what you eat, especially when you’re on a long road trip with a toddler. Related, just pack a bunch of bars and Goldfish crackers. DO NOT BUY FLAVOR BLASTED GOLDFISH! These were made by people that hate parents and clean upholstery.

Medpride Disposable Underpads are worth your money

The Washington Post recently published a helpful guide on traveling with a baby. They suggested a beach bucket for baby puke. I respectfully disagree. That might work in a van or SUV, but it’s too bulky for a sedan, even a bucket that folds up. If you’re going to buy one thing after reading this piece, buy these pads. If they’re good enough for elderly incontinence and puppy training, they’re good enough for your family.

Keep wearing your mask

Toddlers still can’t get the Covid vaccine. Wear your mask. Who cares if there are no mask requirements? Transmission rates are higher than they were last year at this time and pandemics do not care about social norms. It does not matter if no one around you is wearing a mask. In fact, if no one around you is wearing a mask, that’s even more reason to wear a mask.

If you’re driving for the holidays this year, good luck. It’s going to suck but you already knew that.

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