Top 10 Most Appropriate Joker Costumes for Kids 

Joker is one of the best Halloween costumes for kids of all ages. He’s been popular since his creation in 1940, with peaks of popularity in the mid to late 1960s, 1989, 2008 and whenever there’s a new Batman property. And there’s always a new Batman property.

But what Joker is the right Joker for your kid? Whether they’re interested in family-friendly Batfare, Oscar winning interpretations or drawn Jokers, not every Joker is the correct Joker. Here are the top 10 Jokers for the kid in your family. Kid is from ages 0 to 13. Once we get to high school age, well, good luck.

11. DC Super Friends Joker

This show is utter bullshit. A horrible cash grab in every sense of the word. But since the Jared Leto Joker has to be last, it’s technically not on this list. If you don’t know this Joker, good. 

10. Jared Leto Joker

Uh. If I have to explain it I do not know why you’re on this site. I wish you nothing but the best. We do not need to be at the same Halloween party. Please have a good and safe life.

9. The Lego Batman Joker

A fantastic Joker but what kid wants to be this? Maybe Lego Batman costumes were a thing last decade, but for some reason, this Joker never really took off. Maybe too sympathetic? Funny? Got overshadowed by Ledger memories and the awfulness of Leto?

8. The Man Who Laughs Joker inspiration

For the family that prefers to Batman villain to exist before Batman. If you’re this family, maybe just don’t? Listen, it’s great, I wish every kid was exposed to the entire history of cinema. But the under 10 set should not really care about this stuff. Let the high schooler who still wants to be Joker be this kind of Joker. 

7. Joaquin Phoenix Joker

I haven’t seen Joker 2. It seems I’m not alone. But this costume is relatively easy to pull off with a visit to any decent thrift store. Probably the best Joker for the junior high Joker. Even better if that junior high Joker has a boyfriend or girlfriend that’s also interested in musicals.

6. Mark Hamill Joker

Maybe the best Joker but pulling off an animated Joker is a tall task. 

5. Heath Ledger Joker

For better or worse, the Joker that made the Joker so serious. It’s also the Joker you’re most likely to find in Party City in 2024 which is wild. After 16 years, this is the Joker the general public still wants. Good?

4. Jack Nicholson Joker

Remember when Jack still wanted to play Joker and said Heath Ledgers’ death was a curse or some shit like that? What a weird dude. What a perfect Joker. 

3. The People’s Joker Joker

Similar to The Man Who Laugh’s Joker, this Joker is a great costume for the very small number of people that will understand it. But unlike that costume based on a 1928 film, this is based on a modern interpretation of the internationally known supervillian but based outside the DC universe and in a comedy world run by Lorne Michaels. A coming-of-age tale of trans identity using a lot of the Jokers we’ve already mentioned, it true subversion and easy to recreate! 

2. Batwheels Joker

Batwheels is a perfect show for kids 4 to 7 that do not yet realize the Joker is a heinous murderer. The only reason it’s not number 1 is animated costumes are hard to pull off. 

1. Cesar Romero Joker

The classic. The best. The one Joker that was able to pull off facial hair without being ‘demented.’ As someone with facial hair, the perfection of this makeup over a mustache can not be improved. Maybe Batwheels Joker should be number 1. How many kids have facial hair? No. Romero is best. Romero is number one.

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