10 Iggy Pop Songs Olympic Athletes Should Skate To

A 2022 figure skater used a Stooges song in their Olympics short-form program. Unfortunately, this athlete did not have a very good night, even though they won the Silver medal. Russian figure skater Alexandra Trusova closed her free skate program to John McCrea’s cover of The Stooges’ “I Wanna Be Your Dog.” 

Once all skaters finished and Trusova won Silver, she cried and claimed, “I hate skating. I hate it. I hate this sport. I will never skate again. Never.” Regardless of your love of figure skating, there’s no reason to hate “I Wanna Be Your Dog.” 

A worldwide presentation of one of punk’s best songs should be a worldwide celebration of all things Iggy Pop. But doping and human rights abuses and the eve of war has ruined an otherwise glorious moment. 

There will be more Olympics. There will be more chances to skate to an Iggy Pop penned tune. Here are ten Iggy and Stooges songs future Olympians should consider. 

The Stooges “Search and Destroy”

This should only be used by a skater willing to fight a judge before, during or after their performance. 

Iggy Pop “Success”

This should only be used by the skater most likely to place last. 

Iggy Pop “Lust For Life”

This should only be used by the United Kingdom and the skater has to be Scottish and the skater has to wish they were representing Scotland rather than the United Kingdom

Iggy Pop “Candy”

This should only be used by an athlete rumored or proven to be doping. 

The Stooges “Shake Appeal”

This should only be used for a pairs routine. 

Iggy Pop “Nightclubbing”

This should only be used by an athlete that frequently visits clubs. 

The Stooges “1969”

This should only be used while the United States is at war. This could be used at most every Olympics. 

Iggy Pop “Paraguay” 

This should only be used by a skater that comes from the Joshua Tree and enjoys psychedelics. 

Iggy Pop “Mask”

This should only be used by an athlete that has correctly wore an N95 or KN95 during this global pandemic. Over the nose. The mask has to cover the nose. 

The Stooges “No Fun”

This should only be used by Alexandra Trusova.