Admit when you’re wrong. It’s OK to admit when you’re wrong.
Who am I to judge the state of modern Tiki? All I know is that I like juice and booze all dressed up with flamin’ limes and crazy straws.
I love this beef. It’s fascinating on many levels, and it’s so bafflingly stupid that it makes me realize I’m alive.
If you’re not a performer, you should be one for a night, just to understand why you shouldn’t trust anyone just because they happen to be holding a microphone.
You see the dude and you’re like, oh gotcha, Frank Crum is an offensive tackle from Wyoming.
Are you ever going to shut up and kiss me, you fool?
Everyone loves their own drugs and hates everyone else’s drugs.
Literally, not figuratively. Are they literally trying to no longer be parents?
Bring a book, please take home a few dozen books, we have too many kids books
I gleaned some lifelong wisdom from 2 Live Crew about love, sex, relationships, and safety concerns associated with banging in low-budget motels.