Turning QAnon Believers into QOTSA Fans

Queens of the Stone Age, the band, began in 1996. QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory/lifestyle, began in 2016. You’d think that with a 20 year head start on owning the letter Q on shirts and posters, Queens would be the thing you think of when you see Q on shirts and signs. You’d be wrong.

For a few years it was uncomfortable wearing Queens of the Stone Age merch. You didn’t want people thinking you believed in absurd conspiracy theories. Especially in 2021, you really do not want people thinking you believe in certain lies and possibly stormed the U.S. Capitol. But maybe it’s possible to turn lemons in lemonade. Maybe rather than ceasing to wear QOTSA merch, there can be a movement to turn QAnon true believers into QOTSA fans? 

While there’s no connection between the right wing conspiracy theory and the Los Angeles based band, there’s no connection between QAnon and reality so let’s tie the two together!

If you’re a QAnon member that believes there’s a cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex-trafficking ring, you might enjoy QOTSA’s “The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret”

What’s the secret? Is it there’s a cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex-trafficking ring? Nope! Not at all! Not even close! But whatever the secret is, don’t tell anyone!

If you’re a QAnon member that has lost touch with your friends and family because you’re a QAnon members, you might enjoy QOTSA’s “No One Knows”

Does this one even need an explanation? The connection might not, but yes, that is Dave Grohl playing drums. Jeez, he sure is a great drummer! Sometimes it’s easy to forget how great of a drummer Dave Grohl is, even when it’s not Nirvana! What a guy!

If you’re a QAnon member that got caught up in the Big Lie and stormed the Capitol on January 6, you might enjoy QOTSA’s “Go With The Flow”

January 6, 2021 was one of the worst days in modern American history. And if you believe in the Big Lie, you might have believed, “I want something good to die for / To make it beautiful to live.” Unfortunately, January 6 was not that day. But you can still enjoy this quick and dirty track from the band’s most successful LP!

If you’re a QAnon member that believes Trump feigned conspiracy with Russians to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the sex trafficking ring and preventing a coup d’état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros (all of this is on the Wikipedia page, I’m not just making stuff up), you might enjoy QOTSA’s “Burn The Witch”

Hell, this song could fit any of these beliefs! The song is great and the video is an even better QAnon map! Kids! A demon! Witches! A woman burning at the stake! Dancing skeletons! If you’re a QAnon believer and don’t already know this song, how can you call yourself a QAnon believer?

If you’re a QAnon member that believes the “Storm” is coming, you might enjoy QOTSA’s “The Evil Has Landed”

Beyond the excellent title, the line, “Matters not, what the people say,” has to be something you’ve heard from other QAnon folks, right? Somewhat related, it’s unfortunate the alt right has co-opted the haircut of the majority of QOTSA members.

If you’re a QAnon member that believes all of this has to do with the border, you might enjoy QOTSA’s “Mexicola”

The often overlooked QOTSA debut has a great stoner rock track that might shake your brain enough from consuming conspiracy theories to discovering drop D tuning. I realize there are multiple guitar tracks and multiple ways to play each and putting a guitar in drop D is not necessary, I just find it more satisfying as a player. This is not part of a greater QOTSA conspiracy.

If you’re a QAnon member that’s ready to leave the cult, you might enjoy QOTSA’s “…Like Clockwork”

It sucks that you or your loved one believes in this stuff. It really does. Disillusionment can be isolating and finding solace in a group of like minded individuals makes sense. But in order for any of it to make sense, the stuff actually needs to make sense. And none of this does. But at least you now have a soundtrack. And hell, you can keep a lot of your QAnon merch! That stuff that just has the letter Q? Tell all your new friends you’re just a really big Queens of the Stone Age fan! I’m sure they’ll understand!

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